The most lethal broadhead
for use with any field tip.
6 pack for $19.95
Click Here to buy

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it fly?

Just like your field/practice tip

Can I shoot it at a practice target?

We suggest not doing this as it can cause damage to the broadhead and your target. If you still want to try it out and practice we suggest shooting through cardboard like we do in our demo videos. That way you can peel the cardboard layers back to get to the broadhead with no damage to the blade.

How heavy is it?

4-Blade for crossbow and compound ~10 grains, 6-Blade~15 grains, 4-Blade Sweet Heart~8 grains

How strong is it?

With the Blade Over Shaft  Design, each blade is backed up by the arrow shaft itself, adding to the stability and durability of the broadhead.

How does it assemble?

Practice tip shank inserts into the center hole of the broadhead and you screw in the practice tip to the arrow. Back of package includes assembly picture

How many come in a package?

6 broadheads per package

How big is the package?

The package can literally fit into a shirt pocket!

Will the blades ever rust?

No, they are stainless steel

How difficult is it to assemble the broadhead?

How difficult is it to assemble a practice tip? Not very hard at all!

How can we purchase these broadheads?

Order directly through our website. They will be coming to a hunt club, ammo/archery store near you soon.

What Type of Arrow Tip is Best for Deer Hunting?

Choosing the right arrow for your bow can be a challenge. Hunting stores today carry a wide variety of arrow tips and archery supplies, which can make it confusing when it comes to choosing the best arrow tip for deer hunting. You want an arrow that…

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